The airport is located in Palmira, Valle,
which is 45 minutes from the city,
1 hour from Marriott Hotel and and
1 hour and 30 min from the wedding
venue, Club Campestre de Cali
Cali’s main airport is
Alfonso Bonilla Aragon
We recommend that you arrive either Wednesday, February 28, or Thursday, February 29, and leave on Monday, March 4.
For guests traveling from Miami, or New York there are direct flights with American Airlines and connecting flights with Avianca, Copa or Lan.
Below is a list of hotels near the wedding venue where we recommend booking your stay. We have secured discounted rates in two Hotels.
However, the main hotel for the wedding weekend will be the Marriott Hotel and transportation to and from all pre wedding events and to the wedding venue will be from the Marriott Hotel.
For guests staying at the wedding venue hotel, Club Campestre de Cali, separate transportation will be provided for all pre-wedding events.
Please use the links and discount codes below to book your rooms, please note that the last day to book your rooms with the discounted rate is January 10, 2024. Rooms are subject to availability and rates are subject to change.